Sunday, May 3, 2009

Where to Hear The House on Christmas Street Online

(This post was originally published on my blog "Judy's Notes, Musical and Otherwise" in November, 2008)

Some say that Internet Radio Stations are the wave of the future, and someday we'll get all of our music through the computer. That's okay with me! There are several Internet radio stations currently playing The House on Christmas Street, and you can listen to them ANYWHERE all over the world!! So my fans in Australia and Croatia and the UK and Italy as well as anywhere in the US can hear my music on their computers!Here's a list of the Internet radio stations that I know are playing my song: (Music of a Lifetime)
If you have an internet radio station that plays Christmas music, or know of one that isn't listed here, please contact me so I can send you the song!

1 comment:

  1. I just listened to your music "House on Christmas Street." I LOVE IT! What a fun song. Our son works for a company that gets music into the hands of movies, advertisers etc. He is in Nashville, Tennessee. You can contact him at I am sorry to say I don't know his professional address as I e-mail him on this one. It is a great song! Paula
    p.s. our daughters did a Christmas song too, I would love for you to hear it when you have a minute.
    Nice to make blogging friends with you!
